Friday, February 8, 2013

10 best Seo tips for blogger and website in 2013

Hi how are you viewers now today we are going to learn about seo tips.I already post one article on it seo now become so much important for every website to promote it to best way.
if you want to know WHAT IS SEO? HOW SEO WORKS? now we are going to learn some things new.visit this post and read it carefully.
Today we are going to learn some new tips of seo. I am now going to tell you somethings new.
seo tips in 2012

1.Choose best topic

when you are going to start blog or website you must choose best topic for your blog or website which type of blog you are going to make because today its very important question that which topic you need to choose for your website if you choose best topic for your blog or website.I recommend you choose any topic from it TOP 10 POPULAR BLOG TOPICS TO EARN MONEY.

2.Quality content

second thing which come in mind after choose best topic is content which we will put in our blog or website
if your mind positive you should put people related problem content in your website because everyone search such type of things then your blog or website will get traffic more and more and your blog or website will be promoted with in few times.

3.Best domain name

In case of  blog or website you need to choose best domain name for your website because if you choose some product name you will get more traffic and a lots of visitors will come from search. Your website will be popular with in few months and you can get more money from it.

4.Best hosting server

When you put a lots of data and do work on it by day and day because you want to promote your website blog in short time. If you are sincere in that thing you will be purchase good hosting for your website. Because if your website down for few mints you will be loss a lots of your visitors. I recommended a few number of web hosting provider

These are best and fast web hosting provider companies you can select anyone if you want best server hosting.

5.Unique content

If you want get traffic within short period of time you should to put unique data in your website so search engine put your website on top. Its only possible if you choose unique data for your website or blog. Because copy paste data only down your position then it will be make your dream to get top rank.

6. Post length

If you want to do seo of your blog then you need to put 300 words post and avoid to large words. Use high quality English words you will be get early user and its will be easy for search engine to give index of your website.

7.Html tags

I often see people use headings as h1,h2,h3, image alt tag,some words in paragraph should be bold,some should be italic,some should be links in your post. Because many people come from image search and will be come on your website.


Now a days this thing make so much popular in world newbies or blog thinks if they get maximum backLinks then they will get most traffic but you need to think about on it because user only come on best content and your website only promote on base of quality content.

9.Adding sitemap to your website

when you make your website or blog you should sitemap of google and other search engines as early as possible because it will be very healthy for your blog and you will get a lots of visitors through search engines and your website will promote with in short period of time.

10.Google and other search engines

you always think about on that thing people come on your blog or website from only from google but reality is not that you should put your in others popular search engines as bing and yahoo to get maximum visistors.
Seo is not only consider thats 10 tips but seo is now make a field in computer field and you need to learn about it.
I think you will enjoy it You can put your thoughts in comments.

Also Searching As

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About Author

SAIF ULLAH is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Already Known About blogging, Wordpress, Article Writing.Follow him on
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